Saturday, December 4, 2010

How Do I Love Thee - Embodied Thinking

I am very disappointed with myself. I came up with a lesson idea or my own group's turn at the "How Do I Love Thee" assignments, yet I have not been able to perform my own assignment. The lesson was to play with the sun or moon in proportioning photography. I get up well before the sun, and get home well after it sets, leaving me only the moon, but that has been barely visible since we posted the assignment and when it was, my subjects (my family) have not been able to participate due to busy schedules.

After trying (and failing) to get the assignment fulfilled, I have no choice left but to include a picture of an old piece of artwork that explains a lot about two things I enjoy: Art and Music. I drew a picture that clearly states that, "Music Is Art." Music and Art both take years of practice to get good at, in order to produce a quality work. They require "Body Thinking," or the training of the human figure to perform a highly skilled task.

If you look at the musical notes, you will see that they spell out the title: "Music Is Art." It took me seconds to come up with the idea, but a long time to draw the artwork.

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